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Culver Cadet Section => Maintenance and Repair => : Bill Poynter September 04, 2012, 09:23:41 AM

: Removing prop hub from taper-shaft Continental engine
: Bill Poynter September 04, 2012, 09:23:41 AM
Here's a link to a good article on the Vintage Aircraft Association website.  It's on removing the propeller hub from a taper-shaft Continental engine.  This can be a difficult job if the hub is starting to become seized-up on the shaft.  The hub should probably be removed and oiled on a regular basis.    http://www.vintageaircraft.org/featured/2005%20-%20Vol.%2033,%20No.%2003%20-%20Type%20Club%20Notes.pdf (http://www.vintageaircraft.org/featured/2005%20-%20Vol.%2033,%20No.%2003%20-%20Type%20Club%20Notes.pdf)