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Messages - BGorin

Pages: [1]
Aircraft For Sale / For Sale 1941 Culver Cadet LFA S/N 330
« on: June 08, 2018, 08:40:32 PM »
Total Airframe Time: 590.17, Engine Total Time: 925.22 Propeller Time Since New: 26.78, Last Annual: 2013 Asking $15,000.00  All proceeds go to the Vintage Flying Museum. Email for inquiries

Maintenance and Repair / Re: Cadet LFA Annual Inspection
« on: April 04, 2014, 10:16:20 PM »
Thanks for the reply.  Yes, I've seen Ray's logbook entries and it looks like he took good care of it.  Yes, Mr. Smith is still with us, he just wanted to sell the Cadet as he was no longer able to fly it.  Our museum is at Meacham Airport on the north side of Fort Worth, Texas.  We are the big yellow hangar on the SE corner of the airport.  Please come by if you're in the area!  We are somewhat unique in that we are a working museum.  We always have airplanes in various stages of maintenance and/or restoration.  We just recently became the new home of the CAF's B-29 and B-24 as well as a CAF A-26.  We also have a privately owned B-26K Counter Invader being restored as well as a C-49 (C-47 with R-1820's) that fly's regularly.  We're always happy to see vintage airplanes show up on our ramp!
We're going to start on the annual this weekend, barring any unforseen surprises, we should have it done this weekend or next.


Maintenance and Repair / Cadet LFA Annual Inspection
« on: April 03, 2014, 07:33:00 PM »
Good evening everyone!  I am the Chief of Maintenance at the Vintage Flying Museum, which is the proud new owner of 1941 Culver Cadet LFA S/N 330 N37819.  We are about to start an annual on it and I was wondering if anyone has put together an annual inspection checklist that includes relevant pieces from the Ageing Aircraft Inspection Checklist, FAR Part 43 Appendix D, Culver Cadet and Franklin maintenance manual items as well as the Culver Service Letters?  This will be our first inspection and overall experience with the Culver, so we want to make sure that she's well taken care of.  I've already downloaded all the information available from the website, which I greatly appreciate!

Thanks in advance everyone!  We'll post pictures and updates of our progress.


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