Culver General Discussion / Re: New Member Poll
« on: January 07, 2012, 05:22:05 PM »
My name is Pete DeGraff. I live in Niantic, CT. I am a member of the EAA (#770200) and the Vintage Aircraft Assoc. (#718014), but I am older (79 next month) although healthy, fit and active. I am here out of interest only. I can only wish I could afford "your" airplane. When I was 9 years old the FBO of the Ithaca, NY airport took me up in a Cadet on a ride I shall never forget. He even gave me the controls for a bit and then did some minor aerobatics. To this day the Culver Cadet is and will always be my favorite airplane. You have to understand that in 1942 that sleek little plane with its retractable gear the greatest thing since sliced bread (which wasn't all that old then, either). It's modern yet today.
Thanks Bill and all for a place to watch, think and dream. Have each of you bought the Hallmark Cards aviation tree ornament yet? This year it's the Culver Cadet. One is flying on a thread right here by my monitor. I also gave one to my nine year old grandson for Christmas.
Thanks Bill and all for a place to watch, think and dream. Have each of you bought the Hallmark Cards aviation tree ornament yet? This year it's the Culver Cadet. One is flying on a thread right here by my monitor. I also gave one to my nine year old grandson for Christmas.