« on: February 07, 2013, 09:21:02 AM »
I received the following message from the UK and thought that one of our members may have an answer:
Hi Bill,
I am based in the UK and have recently been looking at importing a Culver Cadet project from the states and restoring it over here.
However I have recently come up against a bit of a showstopper in that the aircraft cannot be given a permit to fly on our Light Aircraft Association (UK equivalent of the EAA) as the type is shown as being a certified type under the FAA and under new European legislation a certified type imported from outside of the EU must also be certified within the EU. Unfortunately as the cadet is not certified in the UK already it would cost a huge amount of money to do so relative to the cost of the airplane.
The oddity here is that the holder of the TCDS for the Cadet is listed by the FAA as Superior Aircraft but as far as I am aware this company went bust many years ago. My question to you is, who now holds the TCDS for the Cadet? If we could prove to our authorities that the type is effectively orphaned we may be able to register it under the LAA.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Kind Regards,
Mark Huxtable