« on: October 14, 2016, 03:07:14 PM »
I have been working on improving a number of minor issues on N 41726, including root fairings, Aeromatic prop, landing gear retraction and fit and general sealing. After the installation of the Aeromatic I became concerned about slop in the Aileron control loop. I had noticed that one of the ailerons was flying higher than the trailing edge of the wing. I fixed the left one centered on the wing and was able to moved the right control surface 3 to 4 inches without any resistance. This strikes me as way to much free play in the system. There are 8 connection in the loop from the left control horn to the right, each one has some play between the bolts and the bushing. Has anyone address this issue with a high time Cadet? If so what was the solution? Does anyone have knowledge of a Cadet experiencing flutter of the ailerons? I am planning to replace all the fitting in the system but would like to know what is acceptable as far as the maximum amount of free play. Tim