My feelings are similar to Paul's on the dashpots. They aren't very reliable. I feel that you should already have your hand on the wheel to relieve the pressure when you unlock the gear. Even if you have a dashpot, to be safe, you should allow the wheel to slide through your hand to dampen the speed as the gear lowers. By the time the gear gets near the full-down position, there isn't much gravity acting on it. At that point, you actually may have to overcome aerodynamic forces by holding the wheel toward the full-down position, allowing the locking pins to align with the gear. Since your hand needs to be on the wheel at both ends of its travel, you may as well hang on to it and protect the gear.
The need to hold the gear in the full down position while engaging the locking pins, probably won’t show up when operating the gear while the plane is on sawhorses.