US Gauge/Dart Altimeter (early):

Aeromarine Type 52 Altimeter (late):

Stewart Warner Tachometer (early):
No image currently available. Started at 500RPM at the 12 o'clock position and overlapped 2500 RPM at the same position.
Aeromarine Type 53 Tachometer (late) angled to show the LFA mounting position but screws would be mounted vertically (LCA would be mounted standard):

US Gauge/Dart Airspeed indicator (early):

Aeromarine Type 54 Airspeed Indicator (late):

Dart/US Gauge Oil Pressure (all Cadets):

Dart/US Gauge Oil Temperature (all Cadets):

Ford Model A Ammeter (Used on Model LFA):

Carwil Compass (undetermined model) (early):
No image currently available.
Airpath "Bubbleface" Compass (late):
No image currently available. I believe Airpath bought Carwil and manufactured a modified version of the Carwil as the Airpath "Bubbleface" while the inventory of Carwil parts lasted.
Period Culver LFA instrument panel with optional radio equipment (from "Airfacts" magazine). This panel has the Aeromarine tachometer, US Gauge/Dart altimeter and airspeed, and Airpath compass: