Author Topic: Radio Installations  (Read 7787 times)

Bill Poynter

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Radio Installations
« on: January 10, 2012, 10:47:59 PM »
I've seen Cadets with their VHF radios mounted in a variety of bad locations.  This is largely due to the very limited distance between the instrument panel and the fuel tank.  It's only about 6" and almost all radios are deeper than that.  The radio in my Cadet is hung under the panel on the starboard side.  I've never liked this setup from the day that I installed it. 

I was looking at a radio made by MGL Avionics that will mount in a 3 1/8" hole and has a depth of only 2.2" plus the connectors.  It also includes a built-in intercom.  It only weighs 1/2 pound.  This radio is not TSO approved; however it appears that that really isn't an FAA requirement for all applications.  Lot's of aircraft radios aren't TSO approved, including the King KX-170B.  Here's a link to the MGL website:  What do you think?

Stefan Janes

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Re: Radio Installations
« Reply #1 on: January 11, 2012, 04:50:26 PM »
I selected the MGL V10 radio for my plane as well. The whole package with intercom, a complete cable harness and the super small size make it the perfect choice for the Cadet. I did a lot of research on the TSO issue and in my opinion there is no reason for not using a non-TSO'd radio for our planes since we don't operate them IFR, commercially, nor is there any requirement for a radio in our type certificate.
I will post some pictures of the installation as soon as it is completed. First of all I have to re-attach the wings and some other "minor" parts to the Cadet before going into details...  ;)

Paul Rule

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Re: Radio Installations
« Reply #2 on: January 18, 2012, 11:59:35 AM »
I constructed a radio panel, mounted onto the RH side of the main panel, that sticks out 3/4" from the main panel.  This allows enough room for a MircoAir M760 com (using 90 deg. connectors on the back) and a Collins TDR750 transponder.  The Collins transponder is an older model but is the only one I know of short enough to fit.  I can just run a finger between the connectors on the back and the tank.

Looking at the Spruce website there seems to be 2 similar com radios that would fit the bill for shortness... a 3rd one looks a little long.  All of these solid state radios are voltage sensitive if you are going to use a "battery only" installation (ie- without a gen / alt. and to be charged between flights)... my experience is the transmit just quits at 11v., the receiver will work a little  longer.