There are two 7/8" thick spars in the horizontal stabilizer, ribs are located as follows: rib 1 centered , rib 2 6” from center, rib 3 11” from center, rib 4 22” from center, rib 5 33” from center, rib 6 44” from center, the leading edge is a 5-ply lamination and then the entire upper and lower surface is covered in 1/16" plywood and fabric. The horizontal stabilizer is very strong and I have not heard of any failures.
During a thorough inspection of an airframe, the horizontal stabilizer can be fairly easily removed as it is bolted to the fuselage. Remove the elevator trim, trim cable cover and the stabilizer fasteners and off it comes.
I would not open the stabilizer up for inspection unless it sounds (glue rattling around inside), or feels (spongy plywood bond at the ribs), suspicious.