Author Topic: Newbie  (Read 6298 times)


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« on: October 10, 2012, 08:05:48 PM »
Hello All,

I've always admired all things Al Mooney.  Legend has it that my original flight instructor flew an airshow and received many aerobatic awards flying a Culver Cadet.  (I have a painting of his Cadet inverted sporting his name "right-side-up" on the fuselage).

My interest in Culver aircraft lies with the "V".  I recently saw an unflyable example on ebay (no bidders).  I haven't flown a V -- or any Culver aircraft, for that matter -- but have quite a bit of time in older Mooneys. 

I'd appreciate pointers on the plus & minus of this aircraft -- especially regarding parts availability.

I've worked with wood (mostly furniture) for years and recently retired from an air carrier, so I'm itching for a project to rebuild/fly. 

Thanks in advance!

---------David (macanimal)

Culver Dreamer

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Re: Newbie
« Reply #1 on: October 11, 2012, 11:33:59 AM »
Hi David:
If you are looking for a project I believe the hardest pieces to source would be the landing gear and everything associated with the gear retraction and maybe the nose piece of the cowling. If you are handy with wood you have found the right plane! I've only flown one, a Franklin engine model, and found it a lot of fun to fly!!! I wrote an item here on the forum of my experience. Neal La France sells an excellent set of full scale plans for an expermental version that are helpfully even if doing a rebuild although the fusilage is tube and fabric not wood.