Hello Bill,
I have looked at the revised setup done in the eighties with the retrofitted Continental C-85-12F. There is an aluminum box under the engine, with air directed from the screen openings under the prop on the front cowl. This has taken the place of the original opening you mentioned. There are also SCAT connections off of this box at the front. It appears that, over time, these SCAT tubes were pulled during annuals and not redirected well toward the oil reservoir. This is not surprising as the aircraft was very minimally flown, and more a personal museum exhibit than an actively flown aircraft.
There is nothing wrong with that but it led to these SCAT hoses not being properly done as the collection went from a full time mechanic, that passed away, to another mechanic that did enough to keep the collection functionally airworthy. The owner was no longer actively flying the collection.
My mechanic and I discovered this when pulling the lower cowl for a 25 hour inspection that involved cleaning the plugs and replacing the Brackett air filter.
The SCAT ducts are now properly directed. The post maintenance flight today now has oil temperatures substantially lower on an 80°F day, somewhere in the area of at least 10°-15°F, or more, lower.