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Messages - Neal LaFrance

Pages: [1] 2
Maintenance and Repair / Re: Landing gear oleo pistons
« on: July 22, 2012, 02:52:22 PM »
Hi this is Neal, I have drawings for the landing gear oleo piston. If your are interested  let  Bill Pointer Know and will send the  drawings.           

Culver General Discussion / Re: Cadet Brakes
« on: March 07, 2012, 01:50:51 PM »
Hi This Is Neal again. Wheel and brakes for the Cadet STF and the Culver Cadet. I have the Shin wheel modified with disk brakes ,they have worked ok for the past years, how ever you will brake the bank buying tires and tubes for this wheel 500 X 4. The Cadet STF has been up for service on the landing gear, so have decide to go to the 500 X 5 wheel. My friend Roby Grove Has his Grove Aviation business three hangars east of our hangar, so I bought the weels and brakes from him. Here is my reason. Roby has magneisum wheels. I weighed the Shin wheel assembly with tire, aganst Rody's wheel same weight. The effort to
retract the gear will be the same and ditto for the G loads.

Culver General Discussion / New wings for the Culver Cadet
« on: February 21, 2012, 12:35:10 PM »
Hi Culver Pilots, This is Neal again, with some thoughts you might want to investigate. Are there Culver owners that would like to strap a new set of wings on their airplanes?? Those 70 year old wings are holding up a lot of precious cargo. I have flown those old wings through some heavy turbulence and I cringe every time. The wings were designed for 21/2 to 3 G's under old part 23 using casein glue. The wood is still in pretty good condition but the holes through the wood to support al the metal pieces are of unknown condition. So much for the negative outlook, lets look on the bright side. I love to fly this little airplane and I believe that many of you out there would like to know it is safe. The only way to be sure is to start with new wings. I have the drawings and would like do my part by giving them to the forum. There are requests that go with this donation. Some one will make a parts list of material and do a cost analysis on what the cost will be to make new wings. (If we use all the metal parts on your present wings costs could be decreased.) Should a professional wood working shop make all the wood parts?  Your feedback would be greatly appreciated.

Documentation / Re: Maintaining Aging Airplanes
« on: February 14, 2012, 01:00:45 PM »
Hi Cadet Pilots,  Do realize that some of the cadets we have flying today are 70 years old.  That is a long time for a set of wings to be swiming in the great ocean of air. I have all the drawings to build a new set of wings, all we need is the manpower and a few bucks to by the material. Any on out there willing to take on the project. The finger my point to me, but I have an excuse, at 90 I might not be around to compleat the project, but in the mean time all my procedures and tolling are at your comand. Neal


Documentation / Wing Jacks
« on: February 14, 2012, 12:18:02 PM »
Hi Cadet Pilots, I have drawings for wing jacks. There is a removable fitting that attaches to
the lower landing gear spar fitting, this provides the jackpoint. A 10 buck bottle provides the jacking force. see Bill Poynter.

Documentation / Re: O-200 Continental?
« on: February 14, 2012, 11:56:21 AM »
Hi Cadet Pilots. Bill Poynter asked if I had Drawings for the 0-200 engine mount and if it would match the wood fuselage, Yes to all. The Cadet STF is a certified home built and you
may be able to apply this to alteration certifacation. I also have compleat drawings for the 0-200 baffle cooling. Check with Bill for further progress. Neal

Modifications / Prevent Tail wheel shake.
« on: February 14, 2012, 11:19:58 AM »
Hi Cadet pilots. Aligment of the tail wheel is important to prevent exssive loads to the fuselage tail wheel mount. One of the  most important points is to make sure the pivot angle is vertical with the ground when the airplane is loaded. Changeing this angle effects the caster of the tail wheel, which may cause ossliation and extensive loads on the stearing cables. Neal

Modifications / Re: Stinger tailcone
« on: February 08, 2012, 04:33:03 PM »
Bill, Insalling the stinger reduces drag and gives you a better flow across the bottom of the stab and elevator. Neal

Modifications / Re: Props
« on: February 08, 2012, 04:30:36 PM »
Aero-Propelers, Jim Rust owner, has the hangar net to ours, so Jim told me he  has made a ground adjustable that fits a Cont.0-200. Blades are  carbon fiber with an aluminum hub. Will ask him if i can try it on the Cadet. I have found the Mc Cauley metal prop 71 inch diam X 52 inch pitch works well. Always looking for metal props to fit  the 0-200 Cont. With this prop the  Cadet climbs 1000 ft min, around 80 MPH, cruise at 2350 near 130 MPH. Pays to keep the drag as low as you can.

Modifications / Change the size of retract wheel.
« on: February 08, 2012, 02:51:49 PM »
When you install 500X5 wheels and brakes the torque required to raise the gear is increased.
Solution: Purchase a pulley wheel larger in diameter than the origonal wheel. insert a hose in the V grove and wrap with cord. Drill the hole to fit the shaft, secure and you have decreased the amount of effort to retract the gear. Neal

drill tha

Culver General Discussion / Re: Cadet Brakes
« on: February 08, 2012, 01:09:00 PM »
The easy solution to wheels and brakes for the Cadet is to Contact Roby Grove at  ------------------- He has a 500x5 magneesuim wheals. Changeing out my wheals and brakes on my cadet. Weighed the 500x4 with tire aganst the 500X5 13 lbs, the same. The heavery the wheal the harder it is to rertract. Neal

Modifications / Re: Need everything
« on: February 08, 2012, 12:41:15 PM »
Mark, Look at the picture posting of the Cadet STF airplane on the web might give you some ideas.

Modifications / Re: Tail wheels
« on: February 08, 2012, 12:37:20 PM »
The Cadet STF drawings show how to make direct tail wheel stearing. Neal

Modifications / Re: Stinger tailcone
« on: February 08, 2012, 12:34:18 PM »
Bill, Insalling the stinger reduces drag and gives you a better flow across the bottom of the stab and elevator. Neal

Modifications / Re: Wing Root Fairing
« on: February 08, 2012, 12:30:22 PM »
Bill, I would be very intrested in seeing a larger picture of the wing root fairing. Did you fly the airplane with the fairings on? Notice any difference in performance? It would be intresting to tuft that area and see what the flow is at verious angle of attack. Neal la France

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