Digging around a bit, I found reference to a Culver V-2, N48S, Serial Number V2-514, deregistered 6/15/1971. With V2-501 and up being eligible on the type certificate, this implies that at at least 14 V-2s were built.
I've seen Mark Trimble's Culver V / Superior Satellite, N80281 (a really beautiful airplane, and the only V I've seen in person). Although it is listed as a "Superior, Culver V" on the aircraft registration, it shows as being manufactured in 1946 with a serial number of V-200, which would make it a Culver, not a Superior. Mark's other V is N44652, Serial Number V-43, also registered as a "Superior, Culver V".
From what I can find, Superior started building the Satellite (identical to the Culver V) in 1956 (likely starting with serial number 526). The mis-identification of Culvers as "Superior" on the registration certificate, even though they were built by Culver prior to the existence of Superior is a rather common occurrence. The highest number V that I can currently find registered is V-356 (N3137K), which is registered as a Culver V, not a Superior. I cannot find that any aircraft built as a Superior Satellite are still registered. I found a couple of references that state 6 total Superior Satellites were built.
In looking through the records for the Culver V, I'm also finding revoked registrations for V2-509 (N3144K) and V2-511 (N3146K) that were mis-registered as Vs instead of V-2s.