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Messages - Culver Dreamer

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Modifications / Re: Aeromatic Propeller
« on: June 28, 2013, 02:10:18 AM »
  Hay Buddy.  What's the weight difference between a standard wooden prop and the Aeromatic?
                     Did you install that prop on the Franklin engine or Continental?
                    What kind of preformance difference are you finding in take off, climb and cruise?
                    Thanks in advance   Mark

Parts Wanted / Re: Brake Master Cylinder
« on: June 20, 2013, 03:48:56 AM »
Keith if I remember right the master cyclinder's are from a1937 Chrysler. You might have better luck sourcing something like that from an auto brake supplier or Hemmings, even eBay . I did a google search and there are sources. Check that route out

Culver General Discussion / Neal Lafrance has passed away
« on: May 21, 2013, 04:02:46 AM »
  I've been trying to contact Neal and wondered why he wasn't answering my e-mails. I found this on the Internet

LaFrance, Neal LA MESA -- Neal LaFrance, 90, a pioneer of amateur-built sport aviation passed away at his home April 12, 2013. He is survived by his five children, six grandchildren, his sister and predeceased by his wife Wanda. Services will be held Saturday, April 20, 2 p,m,, Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church, 2766 Navajo Rd., El Cajon. In lieu of flowers, please donate to the Neal LaFrance Scholarship Fund, San Diego Chapter, Antique Airplane Association. Checks may be made out to AAA SD LaFrance Scholarship, PO Box 711212, Santee, CA 92072-1212.

I have nothing but good to say about Neil. I bought his STF plans and hoped to go flying some time in his STF Cadet. I dropped in to visit him several times last year and was always welcomed like a long lost friend. We spent many hours talking general aviation, family etc. He thought he had a very blessed life.

Culver General Discussion / Re: A new Culver fan
« on: May 07, 2013, 09:26:31 AM »
  Joe I'm very happy for you!!!  Now when is his Mom going to let you take him up in the Cadet? When I had my first born, I was a bush pilot in northern Ontario (Canada). A week after she was born my wife and daughter came up to live with me which required me to fly them up to where I was based in a C-185 on floats! I have 4 kids and none have the passion for aviation that I do, pitty. But now I have my first grand child and my hope in the next generation for a flying partner is renewed!
 All the best to you your wife and child.  Mark

Culver General Discussion / Re: Culver in production
« on: April 01, 2013, 08:02:30 PM »
Thanks for the replys guys, I'm glad you saw the humor in it this April fools day!

Culver General Discussion / Culver in production
« on: April 01, 2013, 03:03:43 AM »
Hello everyone:
I want to let you know that today (this morning) I will first make the following announcement to you and tomorrow the world.
 I have been able to purchase all rights to manufacture Culver Cadets. I have secured a production site in Wichita Kansas. In the same building as the origional Cadet was manifactured!
 I have secured Franklin engines for the first batch of 100 airplanes from the Franklin Engine company of Jewett Texas. An optional and desirable engine is of course the Continental O-200. I am also looking at the Rotec Radial engine for a distinctly vintage look.
I've had engineers look at the entire airframe and with only small tweaks we can easily advertise a realistic 1500 lb gross weight.
 Below is part of the press release that I'm working on.

The Culver Dream Company is building all-new production Culver aircraft. A special Light Sport version is now available (fixed gear) and a standard certified version is coming soon with electric retractable gear.

We also service, repair, and restore all Culver aircraft of any vintage.

Both new versions use the original Culver Cadet airframe, which has earned its reputation as the strongest, most durable and most efficient light plane design ever. In fact, the Cadet has always set the standard for its class in every category, and its emphasis on quality, established early on, has been retained and improved on in the new versions.

Introductory price for the first 10 airplanes with out options is $50,000. With full options ie glass cockpit, autopilot, turbine engine etc the price will be closer to $60,000

Best-in-Class Performance
The new models offer more performance, comfort, and interior space than ever, and have even improved on the great flying qualities the Cadet is famous for, qualities which led Plane and Pilot magazine to report that "At any speed, the new Cadet maneuvers better than anything in its class." The new Light Sport Dream Cadet and the standard certified Dream Cadet will be  available for viewing and demonstration flights at Wichita Kansas! Come and see for yourself.

I've got to run right now April first is always a busy day for me. I'll have further details and pictures for you later today regarding when the first airplane will roll off the assembly line.

Mark re: "Culver Dreamer"   

Maintenance and Repair / Re: Horizontal Stab Bolt Holes, '41 LCA
« on: February 24, 2013, 04:58:23 AM »
Can someone take and post a picture of the "fix"   I'm not quite getting my head around how ,what I am imagining the part to look like, makes the area stronger.

Modifications / Re: Locking Tail Wheel
« on: February 08, 2013, 10:53:00 AM »
 I havn't flown with a non stearable tailwheel Cadet either. I don't know why you would want it that way. With a stearable tail wheel you have the advantage of positive controll while taxing, less brake wear, less strain on the entire airframe and landing gear from constant jabbing of the brakes to maneuver, better control in a crosswind.
Having made my point above as long as there is sufficient rudder ( and the Cadet has plenty of rudder) it will probably work out ok as origionaly designed. I flew the DC3 and it had a lockable but free wheeling tailwheel which I found a pain but hay the design hasn't been modified on it in its working lifespan.

Modifications / Re: Changes or add on's to the Franklin 90hp engine
« on: February 08, 2013, 10:36:37 AM »
 Hay Woody: I havn't seen any new pictures on your web site in a long time how about an update. Have you bought these weight saving items for your engine?

Documentation / Re: Who owns the Culver Cadet Type Certificate?
« on: February 08, 2013, 10:23:45 AM »
  According to the website the Culver Cadet type certificate is owned by the
Antique Airplane Association.  I have not been in contact with them to verify this. Maybe someone near by can call and confirm the info.

Culver General Discussion / Albert Hook and his Culver Cadet
« on: November 10, 2012, 12:55:04 PM »
I just watched the Youtube. "My Culver Cadet". By Albert Hook but posted on YouTube by Todd Mason If you read this forum Albert I am anxious to see the full length movie!

Culver General Discussion / Re: Fun flight today
« on: October 22, 2012, 02:37:36 AM »
  Wow what an awesome opportunity for a picture. It's funny in a way that the Starship is actually rarer than the Culver Cadet. There are only 5 left flying out of the 50 origionaly built. Beechcraft is attempting to buy them all back and destroy them! Thankfully Culver never did that with the Cadet.
Mark Penner

Parts Wanted / Trim actuator
« on: October 20, 2012, 01:11:10 AM »
 Hi everyone. I need the elevator trim actuator. The little cable driven gear box that bolts into the elevator. In the Culver Cadet parts Manuel its page 12 figure 7 item 3 part number 353.
 If you have one please contact me at
Thanks Mark

Maintenance and Repair / Does the Northeast Culver Club still exist?
« on: October 20, 2012, 12:21:53 AM »
  Does the Northeast Culver Club still exist? I ask this because I was just reading one of the articles out of the "Cadet-o-gram" 1996 summer issue. At that time this club was producing and listing prices for new cowls, door skins and nosebowls. If these parts are still available who do I contact?
Thanks Mark Penner

Culver General Discussion / Re: Newbie
« on: October 11, 2012, 11:33:59 AM »
Hi David:
If you are looking for a project I believe the hardest pieces to source would be the landing gear and everything associated with the gear retraction and maybe the nose piece of the cowling. If you are handy with wood you have found the right plane! I've only flown one, a Franklin engine model, and found it a lot of fun to fly!!! I wrote an item here on the forum of my experience. Neal La France sells an excellent set of full scale plans for an expermental version that are helpfully even if doing a rebuild although the fusilage is tube and fabric not wood.

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