« on: January 18, 2012, 04:15:55 PM »
Hello All,
My name is Keith Unzicker, I started an STF in 2010. I found a Culver for sale not to far away, so went to look at it with my kids to buy a few parts. I ended up buying the whole project. It is a 1941, LCA , N20988, SN 117. It was in good enough shape to rebuild so I was not willing to chop it up. We have been working on it pretty steady ever since 9/2010. This is my 3rd rebuild following a PA22 and an 11AC. Progress as of 1/17/12: one wing covered and done, other getting rib stitched, flight controls done, horiz. stab stripped with top skin off, fuse needs stripped. I am using the Stewart System, (so far so good) Mostly complete airframe, descent cowls. It came with an 0-200 that previous owner wanted to use but I probably will not. Thanks to all of you for continuing the dialogue on this cool plane. Keep it coming and I will do my best to share what I know.